Particpant feedback "Loved the lateral thinking" "How well the activities maintained engagement" "The games and activities were so much fun" " Loved the game and the learning from posters not powerpoint" "Great team collaboration, high energy and the day flowed well" "Loved that everyone was involved and included" "Liked how we kept moving and used different spaces in the room" "Enjoyed the reflection moments to digest what we had experienced and turn it into practical take aways" "Loved the visualisation, colour, music and energy"
Leadership team and team offsites can lift team connection and engagement, whilst helping groups achieve outcomes when they come together every few months.
Using highly engaging posters full of colour, Sam's offsites bring energy, authenticity and inclusion to an offsite. No powerpoints, more fun, more learning through doing rather than learning through being talked at. Activities and games are at the core of the workshop design and delivery.
Our custom workshops will be co-designed with you to ensure participants are engaged, listened to and that the outcomes are achieved.
What types of workshops and offsites?
- Most offsites are usually in person (but can be done virtually) at the client's site, and can range from a half day to two days. Recent successful workshops completed include :
- Half day Team dynamics workshop for 12 leaders using Team Management Systems profiles
- One day leadership offsite for 60 leaders for annual planning using visualisation and other agile techniques
- One day leadership offsite for 110 leaders for creative learning through the creation of videos, podcast and games
- One day leadership offsite for 35 leaders for capability uplift of agile ways of thinking and being
- Two day quarterly planning workshop for a team of 25
What else do you need to know?
Some other things to consider
- Plan ahead to ensure sufficient time for an iterative design and to align calendars. 2-3 months ahead is ideal.
- SMEs required from the client during the design to help with context and ensuring the day meets the objectives.
- Large room size required - typically a room that has a capacity 50% larger than number of attendees, with lots of wall space!
- Think about the outcomes you want to achieve, the feelings and emotions you want people to have at the end of the workshop.
- Additional services like 'live' sketchnoting also available